Emily Dickinson / Ester García
Translation by Abraham Gragera
Nórdica libros, 2024
Illustrations for Emily Dickinson's poetry anthology The Oriole's Secret.
The poet felt a great love for birds, which inspired many of her verses. She managed to capture them in her poetry in a masterful way through her sensitivity.
This bilingual anthology presents forty-seven poems about birds and nature.
The essential work of this immortal author continues to gain readers around the world over the time.
Charles Darwin / Ester García
Translation by Iñigo Jáuregui
Nórdica libros, 2016
Junceda International Award
Award for the Best Edited book in 2016
Illustrations for the book On Natural Selection, one of the most important texts from On the Origin of Species, the masterpiece of Charles Darwin.
No one has done more to shape our view of what makes us human than Charles Darwin, whose seismic theory of evolution turned the Victorian world upside down, and utterly rewrote our notions of life on earth.
Victoria Pérez Escrivá / Ester García
Thule Ediciones, 2021
IV Ilustrofest Award (Serbia)
Everything has a good side and a bad side. Life doesn’t always let us see both. Sometimes from bad things we get good things. But it also happens the other way around. Life can be as cryptic as a stone. Sometimes tripping over one can save your life. That is the Secret Language of Stones.
Tándem Seceda / Ester García
Kalandraka, 2021-2023
The series Who am I? Animal Babies presents several species of mammals and birds grouped by continents to inspire curiosity about fauna and care for nature from the earliest ages. Each title contains seven broods: with accessible and descriptive texts, accompanied by a suggestive illustration, each one is presented by posing a riddle and establishing a direct and active dialogue with the readers.
Waldemar Bonsels / Ester García
Translation by Isabel Hernández
Nórdica libros, 2019
Maya is a very special bee who wants to see the world and not spend her life collecting honey.
This is the most famous book by the German author Waldemar Bonsels, writer of children's books.
Published in 1912 with a circulation of one million copies and translated into twenty-eight languages, it brings us the story of Maya and friends (Willy the bee, Flip the grasshopper) and many other insects as they enjoy their colorful lives.
Mar Benegas / Ester García
Libre Albedrío, 2024
A collection of poems to dream about at any time of the day. An invitation to share reading between generations through poetry. A journey to the world of dreams, with words and illustrations that embrace, and soft rhythms like the movement of waves.
Margarita del Mazo / Ester García
Cuento de Luz, 2021
Valeria always walked looking down at the ground, and that's why she never stumbled! But when she least expects it, her inseparable hat flies away, and then Valeria is forced to look up and watch everything that she had missed up to that moment.
Susanna Isern / Ester García
Cuento de Luz, 2014
Winter is drawing near, and as they do every year around this time, the cold-natured animals in the forest will catch the train that will take them to warmer lands. Most of them will start to pack their bags, checking if they missed something. It’s time! The train is leaving! Southern Forest, here they go! The trip is going smoothly, but hey, where is Squirrel?
Several illustrators
Jaguar Ediciones, 2016
The Declaration of the Rights of the Child, is an international document promoting child rights, it was adopted in an extended form by the United Nations in 1959. We picked up ten principles from the document and visually enriched them with amazing images by some of the most creative artists of our times.
Victoria Pérez Escrivá / Ester García
Thule Ediciones, 2012
Have you ever wondered why you have so many things? Why cats do not wear hat? And trees, why have no pockets? Why water repels oil? How many things that you carry on are not yours? Take them off and be yourself. And above all, if you’re a cat, don’t put a hat on!!
Client: CEGAL (Confederación Española de Gremios y Asociaciones de Libreros)
Year: 2023
Client: Gremio de libreros de Asturias
Poster made with Pixelbox Estudio Gráfico
Year: 2023
Client: Gremio de libreros de Asturias
Poster made with Pixelbox Estudio Gráfico
Year: 2024
Client: AEDA (Asociación de Profesionales de la Narración Oral en España)
Year: 2020
Client: Estudio de diseño Javier Garanto
Year: 2016
Client: Pagà Disseny / Bodegas Torreblanca
Year: 2014
Client: Chocolate Orgániko
Year: 2023
Project carried out in collaboration with Pixelbox Estudio Gráfico
Client: Akelarre bookshop
Year: 2023
Project carried out in collaboration with Pixelbox Estudio Gráfico
Client: La Puerta de Tannhaüser bookshop
Year: 2022
Client: Pantera Magazine
Written by Àlex Nogués - ¿Qué es un océano?
Year: 2020
Client: Pantera Magazine
Written by Marta Currás - Las aves como símbolo de la naturaleza
Year: 2022
Client: Pantera Magazine
Written by Nereida Melguizo - El poder de lo pequeño
Year: 2024
Client: Pantera Magazine
Written by Àlex Nogués - ¿Qué es el cambio climático?
Year: 2023
Client: Pantera Magazine
Written by Esther Rodrigo y David Cartagena - La ciudad de los animales
Year: 2020
Client: Pantera Magazine
Written by Dan Vie - Árboles curiosos
Year: 2019
Illustration for the exhibition Tú y yo no somos como todo el mundo
Sala el Brocense, Cáceres, Spain
Year: 2018
Illustrations for the exhibition Mad, un pequeño gran planeta 5
Mad is Mad, Madrid
Year: 2018
Illustrations for VIII Edición del Catálogo Iberoamericano de Ilustración (México)
Year: 2017